The AGM is fast approaching, and I am putting together a video to celebrate our 25 years as WCACYM. I need the following from you all!!
1. Please e-mail me pictures from Summer Sem, AGM, and retreats from the last 25 years so that I can put them in a slide show!! You can e-mail me at [email protected] 2. Send me video clips-(20 seconds tops long) interviewing people and asking them why WCACYM has been so special or important in their life. 3. VERY IMPORTANT! I need people singing and dancing to the song Call me Maybe, only change the chorus to "Hey! I just met you, and this is crazy, you have resources, so share them maybe!" I need all these things NO LATER than January 10th!!!!! THAT IS THE DEADLINE!! Please e-mail all this stuff at [email protected] I cannot wait to see these, and I cannot wait to see all of you at our Annual Gathering in January!! God Bless you guys!! Jeannette Manser Youth Ministry Coordinator Notre Dame Highschool Member, Marketing Committee
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